Sunday, April 11, 2010

Hello World !!

First post ..

I still can't believe i actually make this blog, i mean this is my first english blog, yeah english is my second language, and my brothers says my english are bad, very wrong from his 'grammar' pont of view.

Anyway just ignore him.

This blog dedicated to my new interest ..
Asian porn XD~~
Japan porn actually, but i also have some Korea, Thailand and China porn so to make it a whole lets just call it Asian porn

And it is not just porn

well lets keep this secret from my brother

Lately I just can't stand not downloading Gav Video stuff
You know its becoz the guy is soo cute
And the other guy is cute too
So cute x cute mean double cute

My friend told me that GV Porn is not like a Anime or Idol
You can't getting addicted to it and become proud
(well I addicted to Super Junior, Bleach, Kimi ni Todoke and I'm proud XD)

I know that ..

But ..
You know I just can't resist

Damn that guy

why are they so cute


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